Zoya Kalinichenko, Roman Zhuchkov
Zaporizhia National University, Zaporizhia, Ukraine kalina.donntu

The field of nature management is an important component of the national economic complex. The state controls the use of natural resources and the preservation of the environment. Existing environmental problems related to the use of resources are secondary to the priorities of state economic policy. The most disincentive influence on the dynamics of natural resource attraction and environmental protection is exerted by the institutional irregularity of resource use monitoring processes. This is related to the lack of an effective system of natural resource inventories, the inequality of different forms of ownership of natural resources, and the dualistic nature of the system of management and regulation of natural resources. It should also be pointed out the asymmetry of the system of fiscal regulation and inter-budgetary relations regarding the distribution of resource payments and environmental fees.

The influence of environmental factors on the economy is obvious: the economy as a sphere of material production directly depends on the resource base, territorial features and natural raw materials. The quality and quantity of resources and raw materials determine the possibilities and limits of economic growth.

Global and local ecological systems are characterized by appropriate resistance to external and internal influences. Possible manifestations of survival under adverse conditions, cyclical and rhythmic processes, balance of natural processes. But these manifestations have certain limits.

Certain types of activities can quickly cause changes in the state of natural components and affect the effectiveness of activities. Thus, industrial pollution of the atmosphere in a number of cases leads to crop losses of agricultural products. Discharges of pollutants into water sources reduce fish productivity, etc. Such consequences have the character of external effects in relation to activities that are a source of negative changes in the state of the environment. External effects are not taken into account first, but they significantly affect economic results.

Quite often, external costs are difficult to estimate. As a rule, they are costs for society, and in some cases for future generations. Environmental problems cause situations when the economic value of ecological resources is not reflected in the price. This is the main thing for the economy of nature use.

The state should play a significant role in the regulation of nature management processes. One of the possibilities of ensuring the resource potential of further development was proposed as a model of the interaction of five main factors: population, natural resources, food, capital, environment. The method of economic-mathematical modeling was used, which was called "intersectoral balance" and took into account the requirements of environmental protection. The results of economic activity - generation of production waste and costs associated with their disposal - were introduced to the existing "costs - output" model.

Keywords: nature management, monitoring, resources, ecology, economic result