Zariana Halchenko, Olga Medvedieva
M.S. Poliakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Scienses of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine,

Introduction. The use of renewable energy sources (RES) on open pit rock dumps has the potential to become an important solution for ensuring sustainable development and reducing the negative impact on the environment within mining regions.

Methods. Solar and wind energy are among the main RES that can be applied to open pit rock dumps.

Solar energy. Open dumps can be an excellent location for solar panels. They can use open space to collect solar energy and generate electricity. With the development of solar cell and solar panel technologies, it becomes possible to increase the efficiency of generating electricity from solar energy sources, making this alternative more and more attractive.

Wind energy. Landfills can be an ideal place to install wind energy installations, which will allow wind energy to be used to generate electricity. Wind energy installations should be effectively placed on the top of the dumps. Our Institute is considering the possibility of installing wind energy installations with a vertical axis of rotation, which work efficiently at low wind speeds and produce electricity already at a wind speed of 3-5 m/s. Also, similar wind energy installations are more ecological, they do not create a noise load and are easier to maintain.

The results. The use of renewable energy sources on open rock dumps has a number of promising aspects:
  1. Energy efficiency is the main advantage of using RES. Excavation rock dumps often have significant dimensions and a high concentration of natural resources. The use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy can provide constant and stable energy capacity for certain processes in mining enterprises.
  2. Environmental efficiency. Traditional sources of energy, such as coal or gas, cause significant emissions of pollutants. The use of RES will help to reduce the impact on the environment significantly and to improve the ecological situation in the areas of mining regions.
  3. Economic benefits. The use of RES can help reduce the costs of enterprises on traditional energy sources, thereby ensuring economic sustainability.
  4. Innovation and development. The introduction of RES can stimulate innovation and the development of new technologies, which ensures the creation of new jobs and supports the economy of the region.

Conclusions. The implementation of RES on open rock dumps may require large investments, technical equipment and research. However, this is a profitable solution for providing additional sources of energy, balancing the environmental impact of mining regions, and in the long run, economic benefits. All this will lead to sustainable development of mining regions.

Keywords: mining region, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, ecological efficiency, environment.