Vasyl Ignatyshyn1,2, Monika Ignatyshyn1, Adalbert Ignatyshyn1, Bohdan Kuplovsky1,
Vasyl Prokopyshyn1, Oleschuk Olena1, Tibor Izhak2

1 Institute of Geophysics by S.I. Subbotin Department of Seismicity of Carpathian Region, Lviv, Ukraine, rgstrs1962@i.ua
2 Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College Higher Education, Department of Geography and Tourism Beregszasz, Transcarpathia, Ukraine

Transcarpathia is the territory of Ukraine, where local earthquakes of various magnitudes and energy classes occur, which are characterized by a certain periodicity in their manifestations. The most dangerous in terms of deterioration of the ecological condition of the region are perceptible local earthquakes, which occur on the territory of the Transcarpathian internal depression with a frequency of one to six events per year. A feature of felt earthquakes is their higher energy and, accordingly, magnitude, such earthquakes are also felt by the population of the region. Perceptible earthquakes are indicators of seismic activity in the region. The seismic background on the territory of Transcarpathia is represented by dozens of weak underground shocks in terms of energy, which are registered by seismic stations of the region. Seismic monitoring on the territory of the Transcarpathian internal depression is carried out by seismic stations and regime geophysical stations of the Carpathian research-methodical geophysical and seismological party of the Seismicity Department of the Carpathian region of the Institute of Geophysics by S.I. Subbotin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Seismic digital DAS seismometers, instruments for observing meteorological parameters are mounted at all observation points: meteorological stations; devices for observing geophysical fields. Deformometric observations in the region, which have been carried out on the territory of the Transcarpathian internal depression since the 1980s, are important. The beginning of deformation observations was laid by the installation of two deformation graphs in the tunnel near the village. Muzhieve, Berehiv district, Transcarpathia region, with bases of 11.5 m and 20 m. According to the results of deformographic observations, compression in the near-latitudinal direction and expansion in the near-meridional direction were noted at this point. To confirm the obtained results, in 1989, a strain measuring station was installed at the regime geophysical station "Berehove" in the city of Berehove, Transcarpathia region, which consisted of two mutually perpendicular strain gauges with bases of 6.m and 24.5 m. In the zone of the Oash deep fault in 1999, a a quartz horizontal deformograph with a base of 24.5 m, which revealed the expansion of rocks in the near-latitudinal direction with values typical for modern horizontal movements in the Carpatho-Balkan region. Based on the results of geophysical observations in the region, it was noted that earthquakes occur in the interval of dynamic movements of the crust, registered at the point of deformographic observations. These seismotectonic processes occur and are accompanied by abnormal changes in the parameters of the meteorological state of the region, in particular air temperature and atmospheric pressure. Hydrogeological parameters have a significant influence on seismotectonic processes: atmospheric precipitation, water levels in the rivers of the region. Intense precipitation causes intense movements of the crust, the values of which were equal to the monthly values of rock displacements and which after some time were accompanied by the manifestation of local seismicity in the period 2006-2015.

Keywords: hydrogeological parameters, meteorological conditions, earthquakes, modern horizontal movements of the crust, air temperature, atmospheric precipitation, strain graph