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Агрометеорологічне моделювання

Конференція молодих вчених
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Матеріали конференції

International Conference of
Young Scientists on
Meteorology, Hydrology and
Environmental Monitoring

Kyiv, Ukraine, November 15-16, 2023

PDF version DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/icys-mhem.2023

Organized by the Young Scientists Council of Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute (UHMI) of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Scientific Committee
Vira Balabukh (UHMI, Ukraine), Yaroslav Bezyk (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland), Liudmyla Gorbachova (UHMI, Ukraine), Yurii Ilyin (UHMI, Ukraine), Justas Kazys (Vilnius University, Lithuania), Jūratė Kriaučiūnienė (Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuania), Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer (University of Bremen, Germany), Vazira Martazinova (UHMI, Ukraine), Nina Mostova (UHMI, Ukraine), Yurii Nabyvanets (UHMI, Ukraine), Nataliia Osadcha (UHMI, Ukraine), Vitalii Shpyh (UHMI, Ukraine), Oleh Voitsekhovych (UHMI, Ukraine).

Organizing Committee
Oleksandr Afteniuk, Hanna Bolbot, Anastasiia Chyhareva, Hanna Dovhal, Taras Hinchuk, Kyrylo Korychenskyi, Olha Koshkina, Yuliia Luzovitska, Liudmyla Malytska, Andrii Oreshchenko, Dmytro Oshurok, Viktoriia Prykhodkinа, Larysa Pysarenko, Mykhailo Savenets, Oleksandr Shchehlov, Kateryna Surai, Yevheniia Vasylenko

This Book of Abstracts presents the theses of the International Conference of Young Scientists on Meteorology, Hydrology and Environmental Monitoring (ICYS-MHEM) that took place at the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute (UHMI) of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on November 15-16, 2023. Overall, 29 scientific presentations were delivered by young scientists in three sections: Terrestrial Hydrology and Hydrochemistry; Meteorology, Climatology, Agricultural Meteorology; Environmental Monitoring.

У збірнику вміщено тези доповідей Міжнародної конференції молодих учених з питань метеорології, гідрології та моніторингу довкілля – International Conference of Young Scientists on Meteorology, Hydrology and Environmental Monitoring (ICYS-MHEM), що проходила 15-16 листопада 2023 року в Українському гідрометеорологічному інституті ДСНС України та НАН України. Дослідження молодих учених представлено в 29 доповідях на трьох наукових секціях: гідрологія і гідрохімія суходолу; метеорологія, кліматологія, агрометеорологія; моніторинг довкілля.


Section “Terrestrial Hydrology and Hydrochemistry”

Oleksandr Afteniuk, Liudmyla Gorbachova
Probabilistic characteristics of river ice regimes in the Prypiat basin within Ukraine

Anastasia Blaha, Zhannetta Shakirzanova
Territorial forecasting of the dry weather flow of the rivers of the Southern Bug river basin

Anhelina Dokus, Hanna Bolbot, Dmitry Skorokhod
Research of the Pivdenny Buh river basin hydrometeorological characteristics time trends in the conditions of modern climate change

Anhelina Dokus, Oleg Rubel
Modern natural conditions of runoff formation in the Kuyalnik Liman basin

Karolina Gurjazkaite, Vytautas Akstinas
Effect of teleconnection patterns on the runoff formation of Lithuanian rivers during the warm period

Andrii Kolesnik, Zhannetta Shakirzanova
Methodological basics of forecasting floods on the rivers of Transcarpattia

Dmytro Lutai, Natalia Kichuk
Water quality assessment of Katlabukh Lake and inflowing rivers

Valeriy Osypov, Nataliia Osadcha, Andrii Bonchkovskyi, Oleksandr Kostetskyi, Viktor Nikoriak, Yurii Ahafonov, Yevhenii Matviienko, Herman Mossur, Volodymyr Osadchyi
Hydrological model of Ukraine: setup, calibration, and web interface

Viktoriia Prykhodkina, Borys Khrystiuk
Air temperature as a basis for long-term forecasting of break-up ice at the Dnipro cascade reservoirs

Veronika Rozlach
Possibilities of the long-term forecasting of the appearance dates of ice phenomena at the Dnipro cascade reservoirs by heat flow coefficients

Serhii Sarnavskii
Use of water resources of the left tributaries of the middle Dnipro: hydropower and melioration

Denys Sivaiev, Zhannetta Shakirzanova
Long-term spatial forecasting of maximum melt-rainfall runoff of rivers of Ukrainian Polissya

Kostiantyn Sokolchuk
Some green infrastructure development scenarios and their influence on certain conditions of urban flow formation. Case study of Revuca city, Slovakia

Section “Meteorology, Climatology, Agricultural Meteorology”

Nikola Djubina, Kristiana Jansone, Olga Sozinova
Innovative methods for air micropollution research

Vazira Martazinova, Vitalii Shpyg, Yaroslav Kykhtenko
Analysis of solar radiation changes in large cities of Ukraine in the summer period

Dmytro Oshurok, Vladyslav Sidenko
Regression model for potential evaporation prediction

Mykhailo Savenets
Modeling aerosol effects on the atmosphere during the April 2020 wildfire episode

leksandr Shchehlov
Rooftop rainwater harvesting efficiency modeling based on precipitation climatology of the southern region of Ukraine

Vladyslav Sidenko, Dmytro Oshurok
Future temperature and precipitation climate indices changes over the Transcarpathia region on EURO-CORDEX multimodel ensemble

Anna Tsila, Vitalii Shpyg
Interannual variability of total and low cloudiness over large cities of Ukraine: an intercomparison of observations and reanalysis

Olena Zabolotna, Oleksandr Kryvoshein, Oleksiy Kryvobok
Validation of precipitation data of GPM satellite products over Ukraine

Section “Environmental Monitoring”

Andrii Bonchkovskyi
Assessment of anthropogenic pressure by nutrients and organic substances in the Sula river basin

Zariana Halchenko, Olga Medvedieva
Perspective for the application of renewable energy sources at rock dumps

Vasyl Ignatyshyn, Monika Ignatyshyn, Adalbert Ignatyshyn, Bohdan Kuplovsky, Vasyl Prokopyshyn, Oleschuk Olena, Tibor Izhak
Hydrogeological and meteorological aspects of the geodynamic state of the seismogenerating region

Natalia Ivanova
Some aspects of the water salinity dynamics in the floodplain ecosystems

Zoya Kalinichenko, Roman Zhuchkov
The significance of the economy of natural use in the conditions of the interaction of production and the natural environment

Andrii Oreshchenko
Draining of the Kahovka water reservoir caused by the russian blowing of the hydroelectric plant dam

Tetyana Pokshevnytska
Groundwater monitoring for drinking water supply in Ternopil city

Valeriia Rybchynska, Mykhailo Savenets
The methodology for burning efficiency estimation in Ukraine using NO2/CO ratio

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