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Агрометеорологічне моделювання

About Conference Important information
Registration and Abstract Submission
Scientific Committee Organizing Committee Conference Program Book of Abstracts Contacts

International Conference of
Young Scientists on
Meteorology, Hydrology and
Environmental Monitoring

November 15-16, 2023


Call for abstracts
Participants who wish to contribute to the Conference are invited to submit an abstract in English on 1 page till 31 July, 2023 by sending an attached file to the email address conference.uhmi@gmail.com.

Please follow the abstract design instructions:

The book of abstracts will be published before the Conference. An electronic book of abstracts will be available on the Conference website.

Additional Information
Oral Presentation Guidelines:
1. Prepare your research presentation in MS PowerPoint, PDF or other applications;
2. Each presenter will be given 10 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers. A total of 20 minutes will be allocated to each presenter.

© УкрГМІ 2022вгору