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Агрометеорологічне моделювання

About Conference
Important information Registration and Abstract Submission Scientific Committee Organizing Committee Conference Program Book of Abstracts Contacts

International Conference of
Young Scientists on
Meteorology, Hydrology and
Environmental Monitoring

November 15-16, 2023

organized by
the Young Scientists Council of Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute
of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the National Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine
International conference will be held ONLINE
Participation in the conference is free of charge
Participants will be provided with a certificate of participation.

The conference provides a platform:
- for young scientists to present their research through oral presentations and discussions of current findings;
- exchange knowledge, share ideas, promote interdisciplinary collaboration;
- build international networks among young researchers.

The working languages of the Conference will be English and Ukrainian

Conference Topics:
1. Meteorology, Climatology, Agricultural Meteorology
2. Terrestrial Hydrology and Hydrochemistry
3. Marine Hydrometeorology and Ecology
4. Environmental Monitoring

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